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[ second template a huge surprise & our secret !. ]
An new ethical social named simply "ETHIC"linked with second application named simply "NOVEL" in one platform! All templates work`s in “direct exchange with each other”! New is the partially free use of any template. Further templates are planned to be created & implemented.
Be here, in :
~ 345 d : 15 h : 57 m : 37 s left

when the alpha version is active! Zomnix will and do change the world of socials soon... as ethical new social! (the website is current under HACK (construction)! The web-side and independent linked APP for any templates will be soon one by one available as Alpha version 1.0

By registering, you agree to our general terms & conditions & ethic rules and data protection guidelines and usage of 255X255 64kb SSL crypt & cookies.

Version Beta 1.0..

Based on data protection philosophy, Zomnix works never with other providers like Google or Apple, or other socials, therefore no login via these providers are possible. All user data are encrypted to guarantee 100 percent anonymity,but this does not mean that we cannot block those who do not act ethically.
Zomnix will forever block immediately any users who don't follow the ethical rules of Zomnix.Ethic is our first and most important principle that will be rigorously implemented and ruled out. We will do everything we can to respect the ethic on Zomnix worldwide and expect the same from users. It's time for a paradigm shift to see socials as a lucrative business and let the ethics pay for it. Zomnix ETHIK social loses this problem by combining it with the template NOVEL this is the promise (because it works) to everyone worldwide that Zomnix gives to the world! It's time for the ethic era to begin...

345 d : 15 h : 57 m : 37 s left
(coming soon..)
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